

First, my values and Faith come from being a follower of Christ. I have committed my life to leading and mentoring people as a founder of an organization.  

My passion for business comes from seeing how my father, a hardware store owner, impacted so many lives. He served people because he cared his customers and wanted to provide for his family. I want business owners to know, that their business and work matter in the larger story of life. Purpose matters! Profits matter! 

I am a husband and father of 3.  

I’m a business grow coach, author, speaker, professor, and business round-table leader! 

I also offer a business academy resource for my clients to help them with every business decision process they have to make.  

The team behind me has developed a $2,000000 business development software to help me analyze the steps for my clients to take to increase their profit without spending more on marketing and sales.  

My goal is straightforward… to help serious business owners find purpose in their work, generate more clients, close more sales, and increase their overall revenue and profits… quickly and inexpensively.

The vision of Bridgework to Profit was birthed out of a clear understanding that businesses (both large and small) must adapt and change their current thinking to succeed. We first of all want to identify your unique value proposition in order to separate you from your competitors.

Cheers to your business being more scalable and profitable in this competitive environment.


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